Summary Report of the 503rd RSK Meeting

The BMU congratulated the RSK on its 60th anniversary. The Committee on ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS (EE) informed the RSK about the establishment of auxiliary power supply within 2 hours in case of an extensive loss of offsite power, allocation of black-start-capable power plants – nuclear power plants (Herstellung der Eigenbedarfsversorgung innerhalb von 2 Stunden bei einem großflächigen Netzausfall; Zuordnung schwarzstartfähiger Kraftwerke – Kernkraftwerke). The RSK discussed and adopted the statement on flaws in the reactor pressure vessels of the Belgian nuclear power plants Doel-3 and Tihange-2 detected during ultrasonic inspections (Ultraschallanzeigen am Reaktordruckbehälter der belgischen Kernkraftwerke Doel-3 und Tihange-2).