Consultation Results

All results and consultations of RSK are listed here. 

Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 8) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic law (in German).


>> Summary reports of the meetings.

The preparation of the summary reports was discontinued with the 536th meeting and replaced by the publication of the agendas.

>> Agendas (from June 2023)


Consultation Results

10.09.2024 STATUS REPORT
(available in German only)
Continuation of code development in Germany (national nuclear simulation chain)
13.12.2023 RECOMMENDATION Planning and inspection of work during residual operation
13.12.2023 STATEMENT Requirements for the cooling of the fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool during residual operation (revised version of 13.12.2023)


This is the revised version of the annex to the minutes of the 518th meeting of the Reactor Safety Commission on 21 October 2020.

22.02.2023 STATEMENT Assessment of the technical contribution of the possibly expanded THAI test facility with regard to the safety assessment of research and power reactors as well as competence building and development of future talent for nuclear safety
11.11.2022 RECOMMENDATION Continued operation of German nuclear power plants until 15 April 2023
20.10.2021 RECOMMENDATION Experience gained in dealing with the corona pandemic - methods of remote supervision/inspection
20.10.2021 STATEMENT Summary statement of the RSK on man-made hazards, aircraft crash
21.10.2020 STATEMENT Requirements for the cooling of the fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool during residual operation


On 13 December 2023, the RSK published a revised version of this statement (Annex 1 to the 539th meeting of the Reactor Safety Commission).

17.06.2020 STATEMENT Statement on pending safety issues with regard to fuel assembly deformation in German pressurised water reactors (PWRs) including an assessment of the statistical LOCA analysis
12.02.2020 RECOMMENDATION Increased oxide layer thicknesses in the upper part of fuel assemblies with M5 cladding tubes
11.12.2019 STATEMENT Closed cooling water and service water systems
22.10.2019 RECOMMENDATION Assessing the effectiveness of measures to prevent recurrence of events
22.10.2019 RECOMMENDATION Results of the ENSREG Topical Peer Review on ageing management – Requirement of examining the RPV base material
22.10.2019 RECOMMENDATION Ageing management - Status of implementation and common practice regarding the requirements for ageing management according to KTA 1403 for electrical and I&C components
22.10.2019 RECOMMENDATION Damage on steam generator (SG) tubes caused by stress corrosion cracking – Measures to ensure the integrity of the tubes
04.09.2019 STATEMENT Topical Peer Review on ageing management for electrical cables
05.06.2019 RECOMMENDATION Permissibility of inspection and maintenance activities and determination of measures for event control in mid-loop operation
27.03.2019 STATEMENT Requirements in connection with passive spent fuel pool cooling
06.02.2019 STATEMENT Aspects of quality assurance with regard to surveillance testing and maintenance measures as well as the use of external personnel
23.05.2018 STATEMENT Assessment of the safety cases for the reactor pressure vessels of the Belgian nuclear power plants Doel-3/Tihange-2