Results and Summary Reports

All results and consultations of RSK are listed here. Below you find short summaries of the RSK meetings.

Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 8) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic law (in German).


13.09.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Synthesis report issued by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection"Conceptual and safety-related issues regarding the disposal of radioactive wastes – A comparison of different host rocks"
10.08.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Description of the state of knowledge about the influence of gamma radiation on toughness reduction of ferritic materials of reactor pressure vessels during operation
(available in German only)
Impact of advanced core loading on the reactivity behaviour of the reactor core and its reactivity control elements
09.03.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Defective medium-voltage cables with safety significance at German nuclear power plants on the occasion of Reportable Event ME E 13.1/04 - Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant (KKB)"Failure of the auxiliary power supply with reactor scram"of 23.08.2004
09.03.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Radiation damage in rock salt
16.12.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Current approach for non-destructive tests performed within the framework of recurrent tests on ferritic-austenitic dissimilar welds (statement on main topic 1 of BMU project SR 2360)
15.12.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Control of loss-of-coolants accidents at PWRs under consideration of dead volumes in the containment - safety management aspects
15.12.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Proposal for requirements on decommissioning in the nuclear rules and regulations


On 11.11.2010, the ESK recommendation “Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities” was published in the Federal Gazette.

10.11.2005 RECOMMENDATION Control of loss-of-coolant accidents at PWRs under consideration of dead volumes in the containment - scientific/technical aspects
06.10.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Classification of "VO events" according to the safety levels of the defence-in-depth concept and concept for the redefinition of precautions (Vorsorgemaßnahmen - VM)
08.09.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Specification by the company Areva/Cogema regarding high-pressure-compacted radioactive waste (CSD-C) from the reprocessing of German LWR fuel elements
08.09.2005 RECOMMENDATION Defence-in-depth concept
08.09.2005 STATEMENT Definition of component failure postulates
21.07.2005 RECOMMENDATION Requirements for LOCA safety analyses
07.07.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Switch-off of the main coolant pumps during ATWS events at nuclear power plants with pressurised water reactor
07.07.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Eddy current indications at control elements - Reportable events 02/2003 at the Brokdorf nuclear power plant, 02/2004 at the Neckarwestheim nuclear power plant, Unit 2, and 08/2004 at the Emsland nuclear power plant
02.06.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Licensing procedure for decommissioning and dismantling of the Stade NPP
28.04.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
BMU project SR 2392"Use of thermoelements for measuring the temperature of pipe walls in nuclear power plants within the framework of the fatigue analysis"and consideration of the medium influence in fatigue analyses according to the KTA safety standards
24.02.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Safety-related aspects of conceptual questions on the final disposal of irradiated fuel elements using canisters emplaced in bore holes
27.01.2005 STATEMENT Safety aspects of the use of high burn-up fuel elements under reactivity accident conditions