The RSK was informed about reportable event ME 02/2016 concerning the mechanical abrasion on the rotating assembly of a residual heat removal pump (Mechanischer Abtrag am Laufzeug einer Nachkühlpumpe) at the Grohnde NPP. The Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW) will continue consultations on the event. The aspect of MTO will be addressed by the Committee on REACTOR OPERATION (RB). The statement on damage to fuel assembly alignment pins and core components (Schäden an Brennelement-Zentrierstiften und Kernbauteilen) (in German) was discussed and adopted. The discussion on the statement on evaluating the implementation of RSK recommendations in response to Fukushima (Bewertung der Umsetzung von RSK-Empfehlungen im Nachgang zu Fukushima) was continued. Regarding the draft on the statement on monitoring of know-how and motivation loss and appropriate measures for strengthening the motivation and maintaining know-how in the nuclear energy sector (Monitoring von Know-How- und Motivationsverlust und geeignete Maßnahmen zur Stärkung von Motivation und Know-How-Erhalt im Kernenergiesektor) of the Committee on REACTOR OPERATION (RB), this committee was asked for extended editing.
Summary Report of the 484th RSK Meeting