The RSK was informed about the consultations of the Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW) on reportable event ME 04/2015 concerning the loosening of a fuel rod bundle from the fuel assembly head (Lösen eines Brennstabbündels vom Brennelementkopf) at the Gundremmingen nuclear power plant as well as on the clarification of causes and the corrective measures taken. Furthermore, the Committee DKW informed about the status of work on the issue of flaws in the reactor pressure vessels of the Belgian nuclear power plants Doel-3 and Tihange-2 detected during ultrasonic inspections (Ultraschallanzeigen am Reaktordruckbehälter der belgischen Kernkraftwerke Doel-3 und Tihange-2). On this issue, the RSK adopted a preliminary brief assessment. The statement on damage to fuel assembly alignment pins and core components ("Schäden an Brennelement-Zentrierstiften und Kernbauteilen") has to be revised due to more recent documents.
Summary Report of the 483rd RSK Meeting