Summary Report of the 502nd RSK Meeting

The RSK was informed about the status of consultations on increased oxide layer thicknesses in the upper area of fuel assemblies with M5 cladding tubes (Erhöhte Oxidschichtdicken im oberen Bereich von Brennelementen mit M5-Hüllrohren). The progress made so far with regard to the related statement was discussed. The Committee on ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS (EE) reported on the topics of test scope of RPS memory modules (Prüfumfang von RSP-Baugruppen) and proof of loss of coolant accident resistance for electrical and instrumentation and control (I&C) components during operation; implementation of the requirements of KTA 3706 (Betriebsbegleitender Nachweis der Kühlmittelverlust-Störfallfestigkeit von Komponenten der Elektro- und Leittechnik; Umsetzung der Anforderungen der KTA 3706).