Summary Report of the 492nd RSK Meeting

The RSK was informed about the reportable events concerning increased oxide layer thickness on fuel rod cladding tubes of fuel assemblies (Erhöhte Oxidschichtdicke an Brennstab-Hüllrohren von Brennelementen) in the Brokdorf nuclear power plant. The RSK recommended first of all inspecting the area between the eighth and the ninth spacer during the next revisions in the German nuclear power plants.

The RSK adopted the statements on boundary conditions for design basis accident analyses [available in German only] (Randbedingungen der Nachweisführung zur Störfallbeherrschung) and on the evaluation of the implementation or RSK recommendations of the safety review of German research reactors [available in German only] (Bewertung der Umsetzung der Empfehlungen der RSK aus der Sicherheitsüberprüfung deer Forschungsreaktoren).