Our Work

The way of working of the RSK is regulated by a Statute [39 KB] that has been announced publicly (Federal Gazette 1999, Page 201) and supported by a General Secretariat established at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).

Requests for advice

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) requests the Commission for advice. The Commission may also address topics for advice on its own.

In agreement with the chairman of the Commission, the BMUV may issue a request on advice from a committee or working group of the RSK if the subject matter solely falls within the competence of this committee or this working group and its significance does not require a discussion within the Commission.

Advisory procedure

As result of their meetings, the commission passes technical-scientific recommendations or statements that are submitted to the BMUV. The Commission does not make any legal assessments. Recommendations or statements have to be substantiated in a comprehensible manner. This comprises a clear description of the objects under consideration, the fact-finding basis and substantiation of the conclusions derived from it. Further information on consultations and the topics dealt with are given in Chapter IV. Processes - 11. Consultations of the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK) and handling of the results (on page 75) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic lawClick here for the document (in German).

The recommendations and statements of the RSK are submitted to the competent Land authority after approval by the BMUV and made available to the public on the Internet. Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the BMU are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 7) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic lawClick here for the document (in German).


The meetings of the RSK, its committees and working groups are not open to the public. Representatives of the BMUV and the General Secretariat participate in all meetings. Representatives of the competent Land authority may participate in all meetings. Representatives of the groups concerned, as e. g. authorised experts, plant operators and objectors, may participate in certain parts of the meeting where the issues are dealt with by which they are affected; specifications on it are laid down in the statutes