Please find all summary reports of the meetings below.
The preparation of the summary reports was discontinued with the 536th meeting and replaced by the publication of the agendas.
Summary Reports
Summary Report of the 426th RSK Meeting The RSK specified the tasks for the ad hoc working group ERL (use of computer-based I&C). It was informed on the background and objectives of the statements on "Steam generator tube degradation – cause and identification" and on "Leakages from steam generator tubes to be postulated; multiple tube rupture/leak opening of wall thickness-reduced steam generator tubes" by the chairman of the RSK Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW). The RSK adopted the statement “Requirements for dowel connections in nuclear power plants” (in German) and continued the consultations on the statement “Safety requirements at the interface between systems engineering and civil engineering in nuclear power plants”. |
Summary Report of the 410th RSK Meeting The RSK adopted the statement (in German) on the strength theories within the scope of application of the KTA safety standards in connection with the re-evaluation of components and systems; here: on the issue of the optional applicability of the strength theories according to von Mises (maximum distortion energy theory (Gestaltänderungsenergiehypothese - GEH) and Tresca (maximum shear stress theory - Schubspannungshypothese, SH) in the KTA standards for pipes prepared by the RSK Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW). The draft version of a joint RSK and SSK statement on the GRS report “Safety requirements on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in deep geological formations” (408th RSK on 09.05.2008), submitted to the Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK) by the RSK, was approved on 05.08.2008. |
Summary Report of the 411th RSK Meeting The RSK adopted the recommendation “Guideline for the performance of integral event analyses” (in German), and the statement “Proceeding for the modification of testing instructions at short notice for in-service inspections" (in German) prepared by the RSK Committee REACTOR OPERATION (RB). As a method-independent guideline, the recommendation shall contribute to improve/to optimise depth and completeness of the analyses, derivation of the analysis results from the event sequences, correlations between analysis results and derived corrective measures, presentation of the results, and handling of personal information in connection with event analyses (MTO analyses). The statement shall contribute to the consideration of the required quality assurance elements in case of modifications of testing instructions at short notice. |
Summary Report of the 412th RSK Meeting The RSK discussed the requirements related to computer-based safety instrumentation and control for the use in the highest safety category. The discussion was mainly based on the current status of consultations of the RSK Committee on ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS. It was agreed to continue the consultations on the generic requirements under consideration of the technical implementation. Based on a request for advice of the BMU on power increase of the Gundremmingen II nuclear power plant, the RSK discussed the further proceeding of consultations within the RSK and its committees. |
Summary Report of the 413th RSK Meeting Based on a request for advice of the BMU on power increase of the Gundremmingen II nuclear power plant, the topics prepared for discussion by the RSK Committees on PLANT- AND SYSTEMS-ENGINEERING, PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS and REACTOR OPERATION were presented. Due to a clarification of regulatory matters announced by the BMU in connection with federal supervision, the RSK agreed to postpone its consultations. |
Summary Report of the 414th RSK Meeting At the end of January 2009, the BMU announced some reappointments to the RSK and Dr.-Ing. E. Fischer (E.ON), Dr.-Ing. E. Grauf (SE-Grauf) and Dipl.-Ing. T.-O. Solisch (ESN) have been appointed as new members to the RSK. The RSK discussed the status of consultations on leak postulates for the demonstration of core cooling in the RSK Committee on PLANT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. It agreed to continue the consultations within the RSK under consideration of a committee paper. The RSK started consultations on the draft of a statement prepared by the RSK Committee on PLANT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING on the issue of increased risk of containment failure due to hydrogen reactions caused by the ignition effect of passive autocatalytic recombiners. |
Summary Report of the 403rd RSK Meeting The RSK discussed and approved the statement on the "Conclusions drawn from damages at the cladding tube of a shut-off heater rod bundle at the Biblis nuclear power plant, Unit B, detected on 03.10.2005" (in German) prepared by the RSK Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW). |
Summary Report of the 406th RSK Meeting The RSK discussed and adopted the statement "Loss-of-coolant accidents involving the release of insulation material and other substances in pressurised water reactors – removal of deposits on sump strainers" prepared by the RSK Committee on PLANT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (AST). Isolation as primary objective of radioactive waste disposal, |
Summary Report of the 400th RSK Meeting The RSK discussed and approved the statement on the Application pursuant to Section 6 of the Atomic Energy Act for the construction of the Obrigheim interim storage facility (in German) prepared by the RSK Committee on FUEL SUPPLY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT (VE). It continued the discussions on the update of the nuclear codes. |
Summary Report of the 405th RSK Meeting The RSK discussed and adopted the statement “Influence of hydrogen on the toughness behaviour of irradiated RPV steels" (in German) prepared by the RSK Committee on PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS (DKW). The RSK started the consultations on the statement to be prepared together with the SSK on the GRS report “Safety requirements on the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste in deep geological formations”. The BMU renewed the appointment of some RSK members and made some new appointments also to the RSK committees. |