Consultation Results

All results and consultations of RSK are listed here. 

Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 8) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic law (in German).


>> Summary reports of the meetings.

The preparation of the summary reports was discontinued with the 536th meeting and replaced by the publication of the agendas.

>> Agendas (from June 2023)


Consultation Results

29.02.2012 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on the nuclear non-mandatory guidance instruments, Revision E
17.11.2011 RECOMMENDATION RSK’s understanding of the term robustness in the context of the EU stress test
20.09.2011 (available in German only) Computer-based safety I&C for use in the highest safety category in German nuclear power plants


Presentation of the consultation results of the RSK working group"USE OF COMPUTER-BASED I&C"(ERL) (available in German only)

(available in German only)
Regulations on plant conditions after occurrence of an accident
11.05.2011 STATEMENT Plant-specific safety review (RSK-SÜ) of German nuclear power plants in the light of the events in Fukushima-1 (Japan) [from the 437th RSK meeting from 11 to 14 May 2011]


Summarising assessment and recommendations of the STATEMENT

30.03.2011 CATALOGUE of requirements "Preface"and the"Catalogue of requirements for plant-specific reviews of German nuclear power plants in the light of the events in Fukushima-I (Japan)"
16.12.2010 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Evaluation of the three-pillar concept for testing of safety-relevant valves
14.10.2010 Joint RECOMMENDATION
(available in German only)
Basic recommendations for the planning of emergency control measures by the operators of nuclear power plants


With the joint recommendation of the SSK and the RSK “Basic recommendations for the planning of emergency control measures by the operators of nuclear power plants” of 04.09.2014, the recommendation of 14.10.2010 was substituted.

15.07.2010 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Damage to steam generator (SG) tubes caused by stress corrosion cracking – cause and detection
17.06.2010 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Safety requirements at the interface between systems engineering and civil engineering in nuclear power plants
20.05.2010 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Requirements for dowel connections in nuclear power plants
03.09.2009 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Threat to the containments of PWRs due to hydrogen reactions caused by the ignition effect of passive autocatalytic recombiners
(available in German only)
Requirements on the determiniation of the minimum shift staffing at nuclear power plants to ensure safe operational management
14.10.2008 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Proceeding for the modification of testing instructions at short notice for in-service inspections
(available in German only)
Guideline for the performance of integrated event analyses


With the recommendation of the RSK “Guideline for the performance of integrated event analyses” of 06.11.2014, the recommendation of 14./15.10.2008 was substituted.

24.07.2008 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Strength theories within the scope of application of KTA standards in connection with re-evaluation of components and systems: Assessment of safety-related aspects regarding the issue of optional applicability of the strength theories according to Mises and Tresca in the KTA standards. Here: On the issue of optional applicability of the strength hypotheses according to von Mises (maximum distortion energy theory) and Tresca (maximum shear stress theory) in KTA standards for pipes
03.07.2008 Joint STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on the GRS report “Safety requirements on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in deep geological formations”



(available in German only)
Requirements on the operating reports of the operators for information of the RSK [Annex 1: Forms; Annex 2: Examples of contents of the operating reports (texts, graphics)]
13.03.2008 STATEMENT Loss-of-coolant accidents involving the release of insulation material and other substances in pressurised water reactors – removal of deposits on sump strainers


STATEMENT and Note to this statement

13.02.2008 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Influence of hydrogen on the toughness behaviour of irradiated RPV steels - Advisory request on the final report of project 1501267 of the Leibniz Institutes IFW and FZR Dresden of December 2004