Consultation Results

All results and consultations of RSK are listed here. 

Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 8) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic law (in German).


>> Summary reports of the meetings.

The preparation of the summary reports was discontinued with the 536th meeting and replaced by the publication of the agendas.

>> Agendas (from June 2023)


Consultation Results

24.02.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Safety-related aspects of conceptual questions on the final disposal of irradiated fuel elements using canisters emplaced in bore holes
27.01.2005 STATEMENT Safety aspects of the use of high burn-up fuel elements under reactivity accident conditions
27.01.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Project SR 2318 of the BMU"Assessment of the informational value of ultra-sonic and eddy-current examinations of austenitic RPV cladding
27.01.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Gases in a repository
16.12.2004 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Expansion of the Gronau uranium enrichment facility
16.12.2004 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Reportable event"Fuel assembly drop during loading of a transport cask"at Biblis NPP, Unit 1, on 06.08.2001
22.07.2004 RECOMMENDATION Management of ageing processes at nuclear power plants
22.07.2004 STATEMENT Requirements for the demonstration of effective emergency core cooling during loss-of-coolant accidents involving the release of insulation material and other substances
27.05.2004 STATEMENT KTA Safety Standard 2201.1:"Design of Nuclear Power Plants against Seismic Events; Part 1: Principles"; as amended in 6/90 - Recommendations for the review of the safety standard
04.03.2004 STATEMENT Incident at the Davis Besse nuclear power plant (USA) rated at INES Level 3 of 6 March 2002,"Boric Acid Corrosion on the Reactor Vessel Head"and lessons learned for German plants
11.12.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Improper fuel handling at the Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Neckar (GKN) nuclear power plant during repositioning of a fuel element (Unit 1, Reportable Event 03/2002) and a primary neutron source (Unit II, Reportable Event 02/2002)
13.11.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Reportable event at the Kernkraftwerk Unterweser (KKU) nuclear power plant: Unavailability of one of four main steam safety and relief valves when demanded on 06.06.1998
16.10.2003 Joint RECOMMENDATION
(available in German only)
Criteria for alerting civil protection authorities through operators of nuclear facilities, September/October 2003


Joint RECOMMENDATION of the RSK and the SSK

16.10.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Control elements damages at BWR plants
18.09.2003 STATEMENT Increase of the thermal reactor power of the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant (KKG)
10.07.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Kernkraftwerk Unterweser (KKU) nuclear power plant - Reportable event: Indications at nozzles connecting the feedwater systems to the steam generators
10.07.2003 RECOMMENDATION General requirements on the measures for the prevention of impermissible radiolysis gas reactions
10.04.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Neckarwestheim nuclear power plant, Unit 2 (GKN-2) - Rupture of a thermosleeve in RHR line JNA 31
10.04.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Implementation of the RSK recommendation "Safety guidelines for dry interim storage of irradiated fuel assemblies in storage casks" in the BfS draft licence for the on-site interim storage facility in Gemmrigheim of the Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Neckar GmbH (ZL-GKN)
05.12.2002 RECOMMENDATION Safety requirements on the interim storage of low and intermediate level waste in the longer term


With the recommendation of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK) “Guidelines for the storage of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation” (revised version of 10.06.2013), the recommendation of the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK) (of 05.12.2002) was updated.