Consultation Results

All results and consultations of RSK are listed here. 

Further information on the handling of the consultation results of the RSK by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are given in Chapter I. Legal framework - 3. Nuclear rules and regulations - b) Recommendations and statements of the RSK, ESK, SSK (on page 8) of the Manual on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in atomic law (in German).


>> Summary reports of the meetings.

The preparation of the summary reports was discontinued with the 536th meeting and replaced by the publication of the agendas.

>> Agendas (from June 2023)


Consultation Results

06.12.2017 STATEMENT RSK summary statement on man-made hazards, aircraft crash - Reference report: definition of load assumptions and assessment of Konvoi plants
06.09.2017 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Evaluation of the implementation of RSK recommendations in response to Fukushima
22.03.2017 STATEMENT Boundary conditions for furnishing proof of the control of design basis accidents
22.03.2017 STATEMENT Assessment of the implementation of the recommendations of the RSK resulting from the safety review of German research reactors
03.11.2016 STATEMENT Lightning with parameters exceeding the standardised lightning current parameters
03.11.2016 STATEMENT Monitoring of know-how and motivation loss and appropriate measures for strengthening motivation and maintaining know-how in the German nuclear energy industry
18.05.2016 STATEMENT Damage to fuel assembly alignment pins and core components
13.04.2016 Preliminary BRIEF ASSESSMENT Preliminary brief assessment of the safety cases for the reactor pressure vessels of the Belgian nuclear power plants Doel-3 / Tihange-2
10.02.2016 STATEMENT Aspects of the determination of the site-specific design basis flood
09.12.2015 RECOMMENDATION Requirements with respect to spent fuel pool cooling
24.06.2015 RECOMMENDATION Demonstration of residual ductility/residual strength using an ECR limit curve
15.04.2015 STATEMENT Requirements for LOCA analyses using statistical methods
15.04.2015 RECOMMENDATION Hydrogen release from the containment
18.03.2015 STATEMENT Fuel assembly deformation in German pressurised water reactors (PWRs)
14.01.2015 STATEMENT Section-wide unavailabilities due to electrical coupling between redundant sections of the emergency power system of German nuclear power plants
11.12.2014 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Formation and effects of an unborated water plug during steam generator tube rupture


STATEMENT of the RSK Committee on PLANT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (AST) (available in German only)

06.11.2014 RECOMMENDATION Guideline for the performance of integrated event analyses ("Root Cause Analysis")
04.09.2014 Joint RECOMMENDATION
(available in German only)
Basic recommendations for the planning of emergency control measures by the operators of nuclear power plants


Joint RECOMMENDATION of the SSK and the RSK

26.06.2014 RECOMMENDATION Faults in one or two phases of the main, standby or emergency grid connection
22.05.2014 STATEMENT The RSK guideline for the performance of integrated event analyses in comparison with the VGB Guideline on the Integrated Event Analysis